
I recently became a huge fan of Markdown. It’s “a text-to-HTML conversion tool” designed for web writers (and casual amateur bloggers 😉). Tumblr the blogging service which I’m using for Kutomo has even native support for Markdown syntax. I’ll try to post more about Markdown and related writing…

Leaked iPhone Multi-Tasking UI

The video below has been circling in tech blogs lately and some are even praising how this should be “The Way” to do multi-tasking in iOS. Nice (and very Mac-ish) concept but I doubt it’s usefulness. Biggest issue with the proposed UI is the difficulty to identify apps from…

How to Create ISO Image From CD/DVD Using OS X Terminal

Check which device name your DVD/CD drive has (use this name for the rest of the commands): $ drutil status Should look something like: /dev/disk2 Unmount the drive: $ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 There should be a message similar to: “Unmount of all volumes on disk2 was successful.” Use dd…

Creative Vado HD and iMovie ‘09

I just recently bought Creative Vado HD, a 720p pocket video camera. It has very impressive video quality in comparison to Kodak and Flip Mino HD but a one big gripe: video files recorded with Vado HD are not compatible with the latest iMovie ‘09. Video files are AVI type…

Nokia N97 Touch-screen Smartphone

Nokia announced today company’s latest N-series phone N97. This bad boy is loaded with features: It has 3.5-inch widescreen touch display, 5Mpx camera with Carl Zeiss Tessar lens, 16:9 video recording, LED flash, 3,5mm headphone jack, A-GPS, built-in compass, physical QWERTY keyboard, whopping 32GB of built-in…

Microsoft Memo: Ballmer Wants to Provide Apple Like Experience

From internal memo sent by Steve Ballmer to his employees: With FY08 complete, I want to discuss my priorities for the year ahead and share my thoughts about the key strategic topics that are on everybody’s mind, including Windows, competition with Apple… …In the competition between PCs and Macs,…