iPad Pro 10,5-inch

Found this old draft post from 2018 where I wrote about my brand new iPad Pro. Instead of scrapping the draft I thought why not reflect back.…


On Monday 3th of June, Apple released the anticipated and highly speculated iOS 7. The OS used by tens of millions people around the globe received a massive visual overhaul. Many agree that iOS from 1.0 (called iPhone OS back then) all the way through 6.0 had remained…

Leaked iPhone Multi-Tasking UI

The video below has been circling in tech blogs lately and some are even praising how this should be “The Way” to do multi-tasking in iOS. Nice (and very Mac-ish) concept but I doubt it’s usefulness. Biggest issue with the proposed UI is the difficulty to identify apps from…

Microsoft Memo: Ballmer Wants to Provide Apple Like Experience

From internal memo sent by Steve Ballmer to his employees: With FY08 complete, I want to discuss my priorities for the year ahead and share my thoughts about the key strategic topics that are on everybody’s mind, including Windows, competition with Apple… …In the competition between PCs and Macs,…